Beating Exam Anxiety - Practical Tips for FMGE Aspirants

Beating Exam Anxiety - Practical Tips for FMGE Aspirants

Beating Exam Anxiety - Practical Tips for FMGE Aspirants

The most common symptom of exam anxiety is the feeling of nervousness while preparing for the exam. Although it is important to win against any form of nervousness, it is equally normal to have it as it helps one to stay focused and be productive during the exam preparation.


Intense apprehension can also lead to several medical conditions. It can be harmful and students need to tackle it to ensure a smooth exam preparation. If you are experiencing excessive sweating, a rapid heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, a headache, or a stomachache, you may be suffering from exam anxiety. 


Overwhelming with fear can impact your cognitive functions, too. It can disrupt your concentration power on studies. To an extent, you might as well encounter negative thoughts in your mind about yourself. You may be suffering from anxiety if you are comparing yourself to others or wasting time procrastinating. 


If you are an FMGE aspirant and having a tough last phase of preparation, you should make sure that you are not suffering from anxiety. 


Tips to overcome exam stress and effective ways to stay confident 

  1. Keeping the preparation on track

The best way to avoid exam anxiety is to keep your exam preparation on track. Under-preparation for the exam exacerbates anxiety and it may lead you to lose all control over your preparation. If you feel the need, revisit and redesign your study schedule and timetable. If it’s possible, take the help of your teachers and friends to study the topics that are under-prepared or difficult. A great way of reducing test anxiety is to have a revision schedule. Revision helps you build confidence and gives you greater control over your preparation.


  1. Prioritizing self-care

While it is important to keep the preparation on track, it should not happen at the cost of your health and well-being. A healthy routine with 8 hours of daily sound sleep is one of the best ways of beating exam anxiety. Equally important is to maintain a healthy diet during FMGE preparation. Try to stay away from junk food and avoid anything that may potentially increase your stress. Try to limit the intake of caffeine, nicotine, and sugar, as they can increase anxiety levels. Taking regular breaks from the study helps you avoid burnout and avoid anxiety. It would be great if you could devote some time to exercise. Physical exercises help you reduce anxiety.


  1. Changing the way you think

Controlling your thought process is one of the main techniques to reduce exam anxiety. Effective preparation for FMGE may mean a fight against negative thoughts. Instead of feeling guilty for not studying enough, tell yourself that you have given your best. Avoid comparisons with others and tell yourself that you are capable enough to do well in the exam. Reward yourself at regular intervals. You should stop thinking that the exam is the end of the world. Instead, give your best, and keep telling yourself that you are doing your best to succeed in the exam. Positive thinking and fighting negative thoughts is a proven way of beating exam anxiety.


  1. Studying Efficiently 

Study habits have a direct relation to exam anxiety and right study habits help in beating exam anxiety. Nurturing the right study habits is an effective way of reducing exam anxiety. Taking a short break after every 45 minutes can help you keep fresh and enable you to stretch your study session. Another way of studying efficiently is to apply the Pomodoro technique to studying. Focus intensely in short sessions and take short breaks after sessions to study efficiently. Employ the Pomodoro technique during exam preparation. Try studying for short sessions of 20 to 30 minutes before taking short breaks. The Pomodoro technique will help you against procrastination and keep productivity levels high while studying. 


  1. Practicing Relaxation techniques to reduce exam anxiety

Relaxation techniques are a great way to beat exam anxiety. Simple breathing exercises can change your mood and make you feel better while studying. Breathing exercise is one of the proven techniques to reduce exam anxiety. Inhale gently through your nose for two seconds. Hold your breath for one second and exhale slowly, using the mouth for four seconds. Repeat the process for one minute. Practicing positive visualization can also help reduce test anxiety. Close your eyes and imagine positive images. Create a positive atmosphere in your mind and visualize comfortable and peaceful images. Positive visualization can help you against the physiological symptoms of anxiety like increased heart rate, sweating, and headache. 


  1. Get exam preparation help

Preparing for exams can make you feel lonely. Still worse, it can lead to negative thoughts like fear of failure and self-doubt. It is a good idea to seek help while preparing for the exam. Joining online courses for exam preparation can provide you with a conducive yet competitive environment. You can learn from online apps and find ways of interacting with teachers and other aspirants. Getting help for FMGE preparation can help you keep your preparation on track and prevent exam anxiety. 


  1. Visualizing success

Visualizing success helps you create a positive image of yourself and remains one of the best tips for exam anxiety. Always imagine yourself doing well and succeeding in exams. Make positive visualization of success a habit and rehearse it daily to prepare your mind and body against anxiety. The imagination of doing well in exams and succeeding in your purpose helps you develop confidence in your abilities. You will be able to prepare better with a greater belief in your abilities. Visualizing success helps you stay focused on your goals, avoid distractions, and overcome negative thinking.


  1. Maintaining the right mindset

Having the right mindset while preparing for FMGE is one of the best techniques to reduce exam anxiety. The right mindset protects you from procrastination, negative thoughts, and slipping into inactivity. Follow the tips and practice these techniques to ensure the right mindset for preparing for FMGE. Maintaining a consistent daily schedule will help you keep the right mindset for exams. Try to remain calm with positive visualization and be conscious of catching your negative thoughts.



Feeling anxious before the exam is normal for every individual. It is one of the keys to recognizing and keeping track of effective ways to manage stress while preparing for the exam. Developing a positive mindset by thinking optimistically and studying efficiently helps in overcoming test anxiety. Therefore, staying healthy, taking proper care of yourself, studying smart, and staying positive lowers the impact of stress during the FMGE. 


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