Tips for FMGE 2024

Tips for FMGE 2024

The Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) is important for medical graduates who have obtained their degrees abroad. It is a mandatory licensing examination to practice medicine in India.

FMGE assesses medical knowledge and its application in clinical scenarios. It is a tough examination to pass owing to the vast syllabus, format, and high benchmarks set to practice medicine in India. 

The following tips will help in preparing for FMGE 2024.

Understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The FMGE in July 2024 will be based on the format introduced by the National Board of Examinations (NBE). The 300 marks paper will be divided into two parts of 150 marks each. Each part will have three time-bound sections of 50 marks each. Candidates must finish the allotted time before moving on. The duration of each section will be 50 minutes. The total exam duration will be 300 minutes, divided into two 150-minute parts.

The FMGE syllabus is divided into pre and para-clinical subjects and clinical subjects. 

Based on the previous year's examination, the weight of each subject will be the following.

Pre and Para-clinical subjects Distribution of Marks
Anatomy  17
Physiology 17
Biochemistry 17
Pathology 13
Pharmacology 13
Microbiology 13
Forensic Medicine 10
Total 100


Clinical subjects Distribution of Marks
Medicine 33
Dermatology and STD 5
General Surgery 32
Anesthesiology 5
Orthopaedics 5
Radiodiagnosis 5
Obstetrics and Gynecology 30
Otorhinolaryngology 15
Ophthalmology 15
Pediatrics 15
Psychiatry 5
Radiotherapy 5
Community Medicine 30
Total 200


Creating a Study Plan

Having a realistic study plan is important to succeed in FMGE. Allocate time to prepare for all the subjects and ensure ample time for revisions and practicing mock tests.

It is important to set clear goals while creating a study plan. Breaking down the syllabus into smaller chunks will have you set realistic targets for study sessions. Decide the duration of each session according to your stamina. Leave some time for short breaks. 

Identifying strengths and weaknesses is crucial while preparing for FMGE. It will help you manage your time. To devote the right amount of time to each subject and topic, you can be flexible with your schedule and goals, but make sure to be consistent.

Depending upon the subject weight, make a priority list of important subjects. Always mix the strong subjects and topics with weak ones in the daily schedule to avoid burnout.

Make a weekly plan for revision and practice mock tests to strengthen your preparation and become exam-ready.

Joining Online Classes

Online classes for FMGE preparation will provide you with diverse learning opportunities. You can join the live sessions or prepare with recorded classes. It will also provide you with the study material for preparation and revision. 

Insights from faculty will help you create your exam strategy. Besides, their experience will allow you to make the most of high-yield topics. 

Practicing questions and mock tests with online classes will provide valuable feedback. 

The expert faculty will guide you to master the syllabus and prepare strategically for FMGE. 

Focusing on High-yield Topics   

It’s important to prepare well for topics that carry more weight and come frequently in the FMGE. They can have an enormous impact on your final exam score. 

It is important to develop a deep conceptual knowledge of high-yield topics and practice MCQs based on them. You may choose to revise and practice MCQs from high-yield topics every week.

Here is a list of a few high-yield topics.

  • Anatomy
    • Gross Anatomy
    • Neuroanatomy
  • Pathology
    • General Pathology
    • Hematology
  • Physiology
    • Cardiovascular system
    • Respiratory system
  • Medicine
    • Cardiology
    • Endocrinology
  • Surgery
    • General surgery
    • Trauma
  • Pharmacology
    • Autonomic Nervous System drugs
    • Cardiovascular drugs
  • Ophthalmology
    • Eye anatomy
    • Common eye diseases

Revising Regularly

Regular revision and repeated review of the study material will send information from the short-term to the long-term memory. It is crucial while studying the vast FMGE syllabus as it helps in recalling in the exam. Using short notes and flashcards can help revise the FMGE syllabus.

Revision helps in deepening the understanding of topics. It also uncovers the areas that have not been fully grasped. Revisiting the important topics also helps in building confidence.

Owing to a vast syllabus and limited time, even the topics prepared well may fade in the memory with time. Revising consistently helps boost the recalling of topics.

Practicing Regularly

Practice makes perfect, and FMGE is no exception. Solving the previous year's question papers and mock tests forms an exam mindset. Each FMGE paper is divided into time-bound sections, so time management is crucial to success in the FMGE. Practice mock tests to simulate the exam environment and learn to complete each section within the time limit. 

You will make mistakes while attempting mock tests and previous year’s question papers. Taking your failure in good spirit is important. You should analyze your mistakes and adjust your preparation plan and schedule for success in FMGE.

Maintaining a Healthy Routine

Nutritious meals and a healthy sleep are necessary while preparing for FMGE. Staying high on energy and resting the mind and body boosts concentration. They are also essential to studying and retaining complex topics in the FMGE syllabus. An ideal healthy routine will also include some daily physical activity.

Since preparing for FMGE requires long study sessions, you should know some relaxing techniques, like yoga and meditation. Relaxation techniques help you lower stress, maintain calm, and remain clear-headed while preparing and during the exam.  

Incorporate several short breaks during the day to avoid burnout and maintain the consistency and pace of studying.


Summing up

The FMGE preparation and revision require a strategic approach, consistent effort, and correct guidance. Understanding the exam pattern and identifying your strengths and weaknesses is the first step in preparing for FMGE. Create a realistic study plan and stick to it. Allocate time to revision and practice in your daily and weekly plans. 

Don’t forget to maintain a healthy routine and avoid burnout with short breaks and relaxation. You will achieve FMGE success with your hard work, determination, and proper strategy. Best of luck!