NMC’s final call for all applicants: Rectify deficiencies in their Eligibility Certificate Application

NMC’s final call for all applicants: Rectify deficiencies in their Eligibility Certificate Application

The National Medical Council issued a public notice on 12th March 2024 regarding the pending deficiencies in the application for the Eligibility Certificate. It has been brought to their attention that a considerable number of online applications are still pending and require attention from the respective applicants. Despite being informed about the deficiencies in their applications multiple times, around 320 pending applications still need to be solved.

Given the urgency of the matter, the National Medical Council strongly urges all concerned applicants to rectify the deficiencies in their applications by 22 March 2024. 

It is important to note that no applications will be considered after the set deadline Furthermore, all applications that remain unresolved beyond the said deadline will be deemed closed due to inaction on the part of the respective applicants.

This announcement serves as a formal reminder and a call to action for all concerned candidates to ensure the timely resolution of pending applications.