10 Things to do while waiting for NEET UG 2024 result!

10 Things to do while waiting for NEET UG 2024 result!

The value of time is known to none better than NEET aspirants. The tricky period between the examination and the results will end on 14th June this year. While you may already have made plans for these 40 days, there are always new things to try and new opportunities to explore.

Pursue your hobbies, spend time with your loved ones, or talk to career counselors, but don’t overthink about the exam.

There is plenty you can do while waiting for the results. With the right mindset, the possibilities are immense.

First, it’s good to relax amidst uncertainty while waiting for the result.

Second, spend time self-reflecting, but do it with a positive attitude.

Third, make sure that self-reflection doesn’t slide into unnecessary self-criticism. Don’t be harsh to yourself.

The right attitude will ensure that your post-exam period is enjoyable and productive. Here are some ways to avoid wasting time overthinking about your performance and results.

Getting to the right post-exam attitude

Shifting away from the exam

Your first aim should be to throw the exam in the past tense.

It’s over! You gave your best. It’s not the end of the world.

Overthinking about the exam or your performance is of no use. If you find it difficult to stop ruminating about the exam, pick a hobby, travel to a relative’s place, or simply meditate. Dwelling on the exam is useless. It will only kill your time and impact your well-being negatively.

To avoid negativity because of uncertainty, use a rank predictor and be done with it once and for all.

Avoid Comparisons

Comparing yourself to your friends will keep the result the same. Comparisons are lame and a waste of time.

You are unique, and you gave your best to the exam. So please avoid comparisons in the post-exam period. Instead of discussing the exam paper and your feelings with friends, sharing hobbies, and planning an outing is a better idea.

Relax, Rejuvenate, Reflect

It is important to draw out lessons from the examination experience. However, an honest self-reflection would require you to relax and rejuvenate. Preparing for the exam accumulates mental and physical fatigue, so you should get extra sleep and eat healthier.

Hobbies are a great way to rejuvenate yourself after exams but try to avoid too many indoor activities. You need fresh air to rejuvenate, so sports, exercise, and morning yoga are welcome.

Analyzing your exam preparation experience prepares you for future challenges. Ask yourself,

  • What went wrong?
  • What worked well?
  • What are the areas of improvement?
  • What lessons beyond subject knowledge did you learn while preparing for the exam?

While reflecting on your exam experience, compare yourself to your past performance and not with your friends.

Finally, there’s no harm in patting your back for your hard work and courage. “You prepared for and appeared in one of toughest entrance examinations. It’s an achievement in itself. Bravo!”

What can you do while waiting for the NEET UG results?

There’s no end to the possibilities of what you can do between the NEET exam and the results. Once you have put aside all NEET-related thoughts, it’s time to move ahead. Let’s discuss some options for utilizing time in the post-exam phase.

Pursue your hobbies

Picking a new hobby during holidays is a cliche, but let’s face the truth. Preparing for a tough exam like NEET requires sacrifices and you are no exception. Enough of sacrificing your interests for the examination. Now it’s time to follow your urges and instincts. Your sports gear, paintbrush, favorite novels, musical instruments, etc. are waiting for you!

Learn something new

Learning new things is a great way to move away from the exam mindset. You will most likely stay in a hostel while doing MBBS, so learning to cook can be a good idea. Helping your mother with laundry may be a good idea too. Too much household work! Okay, how about learning a new language or learning to drive (if age permits)?

Family and friends

You could not devote time to your friends and family in the last few weeks. Now is the time to reconnect. Plan an outing with your friends. Convince your family members for a picnic. Oh, your sibling could have been missing the banter and the chit-chat!


A stress-free post-exam period can be a better time to take up new resolutions than the New Year. How about reflecting on a distraction that consumed the preparation time? So the resolution is.


Traveling is a great way to unwind after the examination. How about a short summer trip with family? Breaking away from the environment helps you to relax better. It also allows time for self-discovery and rejuvenation.


Investing time in networking can be very beneficial in the long run. If you wish to appear again next year, connect with successful NEET aspirants and teachers. Or, if you are planning to go abroad for MBBS, attend education fairs and seminars.

Career Planning

You can know about your NEET performance from the online Rank Predictors. While waiting for the results, you can consider MBBS opportunities beyond India. You can even explore study options other than medicine.

Binge watching

There’s no harm in pampering yourself a bit after the NEET exam. If you are planning to binge-watch your favorite shows and movies, limit it to one week. The motive of such indulgence is to come out of the exam mindset and not waste time.


Reading is the best hobby of the post-exam period. It expands your knowledge and builds your language skills. Most importantly, it maintains and improves your stamina to concentrate longer.

Summing it up!

The post-exam period carries the risk of stagnation, negativity, and stress. Students can avoid it by using their time constructively and creatively.

Shifting the mind away from exams, performance, and results helps develop the right attitude while waiting for results. The aim should be to relax, rejuvenate, and engage in positive self-reflection. Students should focus on resting, learning new things, relationships, and career planning.